Reflection Journal of Online Training P4TK BMTI
My Reflection Journal
This is the
last minute of Diklat Daring PKB P4TK BMTI and I want to share about all the
things of this training. I feel blessed and lucky to be part of this training.
Although in the beginning of the training I found some difficulties. This is
the first online traning, so the first things I did is finding as much as
information about how to join video conference. So,I had download an
application and learnt how to operate the tools. It’s not too difficult to make
an account and make video conference. I really enjoy it.
I have
involved with some face to face training and almost all the materials are the
same. Following this online traning
really gives me so much benefit because all the materials and topic of
discussion is new for me. I never heard about strategy in managing teacher
talk, starting and finishing the lesson, giving instruction, giving question
and eliciting, and building the rapport.
Those materials enlighten my mind and encourage myself to be more
professional and better in teaching.
I was very
excited and little bit nerveous when I had to do first video conference. Online training has given me opportunity to use
such technology and using online meeting application. Thanks to Allah that the
internet connections does support me well. I can see and hear the mentors and
all participants clearly. But
unfortunately sometime my internet quota doesn’t enough to do video conference,
so I come to schooll twice a week to use free wifi. Hehehe..
activities and assignments in this training encourage me to explain the ideas
and experience either in writing on the discussion part or speaking in
presentation time. Those activities remind me to improve my skill particularly
in speaking and writing. I think I will find some partners to practice speaking
and writing. I’ll also keep listening and watching English video especially
discussing about English lclassroom. Alhamdulilah, since I follow this training I
have download and read various English Book related with English pedagogy.
Meeting new
great teachers from various cities and great mentors really make feel so lucky. It gives me the positive energy
to find ideas particularly in giving and delivering lesson to students. How to
create the intearactive clasroom language become my target after finishing this
training. I can’t wait to elaborate all the strategy into the lesson planing.
I’m happy
every time read the score and feedback from the mentor Ms Indri. My score may
be is not as good as other participants but Ms Indri always praise my assigments
and i’m feel appreciated. So, I’ll do the same thing to my students. So far
when I check my student’s assigment I just write the score, signature, and draw
simple emoticon ^_^...,
In this
opportunity I would like to say thank you very much to Ms Indri and Ms Erna as
mentors for giving me beneficial knowledge and experiences. May both of you
allways be healty and happy. ^_* Love u....( hopefully I can see u in next face
to face training)
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