
Showing posts from June, 2020

Reflection Journal of Online Training P4TK BMTI

My Reflection Journal Bismillahirahmanirahim... This is the last minute of Diklat Daring PKB P4TK BMTI and I want to share about all the things of this training. I feel blessed and lucky to be part of this training. Although in the beginning of the training I found some difficulties. This is the first online traning, so the first things I did is finding as much as information about how to join video conference. So,I had download an application and learnt how to operate the tools. It’s not too difficult to make an account and make video conference. I really enjoy it. I have involved with some face to face training and almost all the materials are the same.   Following this online traning really gives me so much benefit because all the materials and topic of discussion is new for me. I never heard about strategy in managing teacher talk, starting and finishing the lesson, giving instruction, giving question and eliciting, and building the rapport.   Those materials en...